Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 89

I'm cranky. It was a good day right up until it became a really, really bad day. Here's my picture.


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful photo from a cranky person. ;-) Hope your Saturday is MUCH better.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're having a bad day. Hope it's just sucky and not tragic...

luvmyboys said...

Hope today goes much better for you.

PJ said...

My day was much improved with your nice comment. Yesterday was also a not so very good bad day for me but like you I stuck my chin out and did the work. The arbor is so very nice, wish it was mine.

Fashion Schlub said...

Thanks, guys. Nice to have "photo friends" :-)

Bill, yes, let's hope it's just sucky and not tragic.

Trying to finish my work up here so I can go out this afternoon with a friend and TAKE PICTURES! Always a good distraction.


Lovely photo Bettye. Sorry the day turned so nasty.

Iris said...

Oh I love this one! Sorry about your day.