I checked in on the kittens...they're getting so big! And there are so many! There were 5 or more that didn't even get in the shot!That little grey one closest to the camera is the one that was "featured" in the last "kitties" post. Still the boldest one!
Your not feedin' those things, are ya?
*I'm* not, but when I've passed by in the evening, I have seen other cars stopped there and it looks like other people are feeding them. Even though I can clearly see food bowls towards the back of the lot.
My concern is more - will all these cats be spayed/neutered??
My goodness! There are a lot of them. I'm thankful we only have 3 here. But if I don't do something about it soon...we'll have more. I can see my "future" in that photo...LOL.
My, lots of kitties, and you're right - there will be more if not taken care of.
There's nothing better than a herd of fuzzy curious kittens. Except possibly chubby puppies with warm tummies on Christmas Eve. I'd be feeding them too. And possibly stealing a couple.
that grey one looks just like mine.
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