Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 197

have a seat...


Lowell said...

I love it! If you're gonna chair a committee, you wouldn't to use that one!

Hilda said...

Oh goodness. I hate it when people just dump stuff wherever! :(

Paz said...

Awww! Is this old chair heaven? Were all the old chair go after they've served their purpose?


Nancy said...

Isn't it amazin how much ends up in our land fills?!?

Fashion Schlub said...

And this isn't even a landfill. This is a little mound of dirt on the side of the road - about 30' from the "stop" "don't stop" signs - near a construction company. said...

I really wish people wouldn't do this. Isn't this awful? Though I have to say it does make for a very good photo.
Nice shot Bettye.