Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 174 (The Return of Bettye)

ahhh...between this and that, I've just been unable to do anything here for many weeks...but things are a little more settled right now and hopefully I'm Back!

driving around today, looking for signs of spring in Islip (amazingly, the only real signs I saw were in my own yard!, some signs I DID see were these...posted by a family who lost their dear Golden Retriever early in February...and they're basically pleading with people to Drive More Carefully...


Lowell said...

That's a tough one to look at...we have a ten-year old sweetie named Haley (nicknamed "Pookie") who is the gentlest and most loving dog...she has a heart of gold. There are many wonderful breeds of dogs, but Goldens pretty much top the list in my book.

Judy said...

Very sad to see. But glad you are back.

Jai Johnson • JaiArt.Com said...

Oh, the poor dog! Glad to see you're back...I've missed your fabulous photos! said...

Welcome back! I missed you Bettye!

This is so very sad.
My heart goes out to this family that lost their dog.
Thanks for the reminder to drive carefully. It's so important to remember everything can change in just one instant.