Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 43

Sorry for the repetitive theme, but I just couldn't resist shooting this little lady grazing at the side of the road. I pulled right up to her, snapped a quick one, she stood there for just a few more seconds, then jumped, literally from a standstill, over that chainlink fence, and trotted back to her deer buddies.


Kitty said...

wow. I love deer.

We were terrified that one would hop out into the road while we were speeding back from upstate NY last weekend. They are such beautiful creatures.

Congrats on your relatively new blog! I hope you find posting daily photos as interesting and challenging as I do. said...

WOW! I didn't even see the other deer until I enlarged the photo.
I like the theme too.

Fashion Schlub said...

Kitty, challenging, definitely! That was really the reason for starting this, to force myself to get out and photograph SOMETHING every day, to improve my photography.

I love your Amelie icon! I LOVE that movie - it's not only quirky and sweet, it's VISUALLY yummy, too!

Jai Johnson • JaiArt.Com said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE THIS ONE! I love deer, and this is such an elegant shot of the little lady.


Well I've had your lion photo as my wallpaper for a long time, just changed it to the deer -- it's gorgeous! Thanks,

Fashion Schlub said...

"Well I've had your lion photo as my wallpaper for a long time, just changed it to the deer -- it's gorgeous!"

Aww, Miss Jacki, I'm flattered!

Iris said...

Oh I feel so blessed when I'm able to see wildlife. How close were you to her? Great photo.

Kat Simpson said...

Great photo!