Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 39

knock knock
who's there?
what's a greek urn?
knock knock
who's there?
what's a greek urn?
knock knock
who's there?
what's a greek urn?
knock knock
who's there?
orange you glad I didn't say what's a greek urn again??

(forgive me, it's been a long day)

6 comments: said...

Funny!...I like the urn! & is that a mexican sunflower I see?


I love that shot -- very nice.

Iris said...

Love the photo!

Fashion Schlub said...

ding ding ding ding! I do believe we have The Horticultural Winner of the Day, with "Mexican Sunflower," otherwise known as Tithonia - bueno, Lily Hydrangea!

Kat Simpson said...

Very nice :) said...

LOL_good one B! I grew them last year and loved them. I bought the seeds again this year and they never made it into the garden, I guess it's too late now...